AWARD 2018First classified
Ksenia Krasileva, Norwich Research Park, UK Second classified
Anna Maria Mastrangelo, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, IT Patrizia Galeffi creator of the award and senior scientist in ENEA, IT and Emilia Chiancone President Italian National Accademy of Science, IT
Roberto Lorenzetti Director of Rieti State Archives, MiBACT, IT and Mrs Carlotta Strampelli nephew of Carlotta Parisani Strampelli
Memory in honour of Prof. Emilia Chiancone
The news was sad: Prof. Emilia Chiancone left this world few days before Christmas 2018, after a long and fruitful life. Active until the end, Emilia Chiancone achieved what too few in history have: she was a smart scientist, a good teacher, an open mind person, active and tireless, ready to share and work together to achieve a relevant objective.
I remind that the first time I met her, I felt uncomfortable and worried, hoping to make a good impression, unexpectedly, soon she was very friendly with us, although she was the President of Italian Science Academy-XL, and showed a great interest, accepting to establish the first edition of the International Wheat & Women Conference and of a new prize for a young woman scientist entitled Carlotta Award2018.
Rather than sitting in her Academy Office, she liked to meet scientists and visitors and listening to them with interest. She was curious about every little advance and experiment, as if these minutiae of scientific life were of general and wide importance. To talk to her for a few minutes made you very grateful and satisfied. You felt part of something, you felt a scientist sharing your experience with somebody else able to understand your frustrations, your excitement, and you even felt useful to the humanity! She was a very enlightened mind, always ready to study and to understand something new, even about wheat that never was one of her scientific focuses.
Her empathy was part of her greatness, the secret for her excellence. She was able to believe that through science all of us can have a better life!
She was strong, tenacious, persevering temper, able to build and reinforce a large network, in- and out-side the Academy, able to grow up all over the world.
Even in the realization of the International Wheat & Women Conference – First edition of the Carlotta Award, managed together with ENEA, she had words rich of enthusiasm, pushing all of us to go on with determination, without any hesitation.
For all above expressed, we really like to invite you to read some papers derived from that important and interesting Conference that, for the first time, has recognised the role and value of Women in the Wheat research area.
Thank you Prof. Emilia Chiancone! We cannot thank you enough!!!
Dr. Patrizia Galeffi (ENEA-Italy)
Dr. Giuseppina Del Signore (ENEA-Italy)
I remind that the first time I met her, I felt uncomfortable and worried, hoping to make a good impression, unexpectedly, soon she was very friendly with us, although she was the President of Italian Science Academy-XL, and showed a great interest, accepting to establish the first edition of the International Wheat & Women Conference and of a new prize for a young woman scientist entitled Carlotta Award2018.
Rather than sitting in her Academy Office, she liked to meet scientists and visitors and listening to them with interest. She was curious about every little advance and experiment, as if these minutiae of scientific life were of general and wide importance. To talk to her for a few minutes made you very grateful and satisfied. You felt part of something, you felt a scientist sharing your experience with somebody else able to understand your frustrations, your excitement, and you even felt useful to the humanity! She was a very enlightened mind, always ready to study and to understand something new, even about wheat that never was one of her scientific focuses.
Her empathy was part of her greatness, the secret for her excellence. She was able to believe that through science all of us can have a better life!
She was strong, tenacious, persevering temper, able to build and reinforce a large network, in- and out-side the Academy, able to grow up all over the world.
Even in the realization of the International Wheat & Women Conference – First edition of the Carlotta Award, managed together with ENEA, she had words rich of enthusiasm, pushing all of us to go on with determination, without any hesitation.
For all above expressed, we really like to invite you to read some papers derived from that important and interesting Conference that, for the first time, has recognised the role and value of Women in the Wheat research area.
Thank you Prof. Emilia Chiancone! We cannot thank you enough!!!
Dr. Patrizia Galeffi (ENEA-Italy)
Dr. Giuseppina Del Signore (ENEA-Italy)