What Carlotta Award is?
The Prize "Carlotta Award" for young researchers, is reserved exclusively for women, under 40 at the deadline submission. The application must consist of an abstract describing an original work, accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae and a list of publications.
Four winners (1st and 2nd classified for each theme) will be selected by an international jury of experts. and, in case of the same judgment between two (or more) candidates, the youngest will be entitled to the prize as an incentive to her scientific and professional growth. For the 3rd Edition, to be held in the frame of the International Conference “From Seed to Pasta V”. The scientific areas on which the works are focused will be two, related to the main themes of the FSTP-4 Congress, 1-5 (a) and 6-8 (b) respectively: a) wheat genetics, genomics and breeding; b) sustainable wheat production for food security, food quality and safety, durum wheat-pasta value chain. |
Furthermore, there will be nominated 4 candidates by special mentions due to their scientific work, on aforesaid main topics, judged excellent independently from high IF publications and/or important funding support. These special mentions want to award the quality and novelty of the research realized and carried out by women scientists working in developing and/or emerging Countries.
The submission deadline is .
Rome, has been the host city for the first edition both because it was the 150th anniversary of the birth of Carlotta Parisani and why, exactly a century ago, in this city her husband Nazzareno Strampelli received the prestigious "Premio Santoro" for his work on wheat.
The submission deadline is .
Rome, has been the host city for the first edition both because it was the 150th anniversary of the birth of Carlotta Parisani and why, exactly a century ago, in this city her husband Nazzareno Strampelli received the prestigious "Premio Santoro" for his work on wheat.